Sam's been busy thus far in 2007 - expanding his palate and sitting up and looking at things from a different angle. So far, the chef at 656 Stewart has prepared sweet potatoes, carrots, peas and green beans and, on the sweeter side, bananas and applesauce. We've still got additional introductions to make before we make good on our promises of pizza and ice cream.
Valentine's Day is right around the corner, so Sam's been busy trying to grow more hair in hopes of impressing the ladies. As you can see, he's already surpassed his "Pops" in that department.
Sam and Louie are becoming fast friends and Sam continually reaches for the pooch and lets him lick his hands and fingers. We're not usually far behind, ready to wipe the little guy clean and enforce the "no licking the face" rule. Unfortunately, Louie is a slow learner. I would imagine that the "best friend" status will be solidified once Sam starts eating on his own and they both figure out that food is easily transferred from high chair to dog.