In recent weeks, Sam's figured out how to slide quite quickly down the stairs, shimmy under the baby gates (we keep them high so our poor blind cat doesn't freak out), actually remove the gates and place them gently against the wall (extra points for neatness, I guess) and even open doors. He continues to work on the intricacies of the locks.
Luckily he's terrified of the Tickle Me Elmo that we recently purchased. With some strategic placement of our new furry friend, the removable gates aren't as much of an issue.
Valentine's Day was pretty eventful for Sam and his relationship with Davia seems to be blossoming. They've both been officially moved to the Toddler Room and while the toys are cooler and they have their own slide, Sam's not too thrilled. So far, he's rather distraught during drop off, but we hear that he bucks up pretty soon after we leave. If it's really bad, Sweet Davia will make him a sandwich. (Made of plastic, but it's the thought.)