As many of you may remember, I was Mother of the Year in 2007, thanks to the dislocation of Sam's elbow. (Not to worry, he's recovered and, even though it's his pitching arm, we're sure he's in tip-top shape.) It seems as though I'm a finalist this year (or at least an Honorable Mention). My son drinks out of the toilet.
While disgusting, I do think it's important to note the ingenuity and resourcefulness that was displayed. I work from home and, during busy times, it's often necessary to multi-task. Sam and I sometimes sing songs while he marches around and I check email or draft stop-the-presses caliber news releases. At one point, he wanted a drink of water from downstairs. I was in the middle of said news release and couldn't stop the writing mojo, so I told him "in a minute." I hear slurping noises. No worries; Sam's recently started pretend play and he pretends to eat things and feed his stuffed animals. I hear more slurping noises and this time assume that he's drinking from the sink, like we taught him to do when he brushes his teeth. No worries. Can't stop the writing mojo. I take another minute or two and finish up. I stepped around the corner, and he's proudly drinking out of his hand, just like I thought, but...from...the...toilet. "Look, Momma. Drinka water." Oh. No. I wasn't sure if I should run for a camera or a toothbrush. Who am I kidding? It's an easy decision. The batteries in my camera were dead (dang!), meaning there aren't any photos. Teeth brushing commences.
It's been awhile since the last update and Sam's growing more and more each and every day. He's talking all of the time, singing songs and, just today, asked "why?" for the first time. I guess I should note it in his baby book, except the answer to the question was "because you'll pee all over the floor if you don't." Not exactly Norman Rockwell. Except maybe when he was learning to use the potty.

Halloween was eventful and Sam took on the holiday with a sequined jumpsuit, dark glasses and a guitar. It's Elvis, baby! We teamed up with Davia for trick-or-treating as well as a trip to the pumpkin patch. They both took time selecting the perfect pumpkin...and then tried to lift it. (Needless to say, they weren't successful in actually carrying them and we quietly and non-chalantly left them behind.)

Sam also had fun playing with his cousins at Rend Lake this summer and seems to be a budding baseball player. When he's not criss-crossing the yard with his bubble mower. (We're working our way up to one that runs on gasoline. We'll let you all know when he's taking summertime clients.)
We'll start talking about Santa soon, in hopes of a lovely, overpriced mall photo. Fingers crossed.