I've never been a believer in purchasing extended warranties...$149 for an extra three years of coverage? No thanks. Well, that is until now. Now that I'm a parent, I've learned that you have to look at things from a different perspective. Instead of having the confidence in knowing that my things will be treated well and cared for (well, at least the big ticket items), Adrian and I now live in a world of uncertainty, never knowing what bizarre thing our son will decide to do to the fridge, car, TV...or washing machine. At three months old, he's not EXACTLY to blame...but his itty-bitty blue sock is. Turns out those things can get sucked through those itty-bitty holes and get lodged in the gears of the machine. Making it impossible to run and impossible to remove. Unless you're an overpriced repair service whose earliest appointment is in two-and-a-half weeks. So, for $199.48, I've learned an important lesson: go ahead and get the extra coverage.
Despite SockGate, our little guy continues to do well. He's found his thumbs and fists and they are permanently covered in drool. The way he sucks on them, I really think he thinks he might get some milk out of there yet. He's still a big smiler and chats with us (and his toys) a lot. The mobile on his crib and the bouncey seat continue to be big favorites and we've recently started putting him in the exersaucer (I'll post a pic next time, for those of you - like me - who are relatively new to the baby lingo).
He's not a big napper and usually takes about three cat naps throughout the day. He's settled into a bit of a routine and is mostly sleeping through the night. Adrian and I swtich off our "on duty" nights and he accuses me of putting him to bed too early when it's his shift. (It's all lies.)
Adrian has yet to cash in his "coupons" for diaper changing, but I think he may start using them any day now. We've also experienced our first real "blow out." I fail to understand the physics, but apparently when he's in a standing position in the exersaucer, it causes the, ahem, poop to travel extensively. All. Over. The. Place. I have to admit, I was intimidated. Until I realized there were scissors in the changing table supplies. Yes! Adrian was ready for a Silkwood type of hose-down, but we settled for cutting off the onesie (and throwing it away) and a regular ol' bath.
It's turned a bit chilly up here, so we're bundling him up a bit more and have mastered the getting on and off of the coat. He's outgrown a lot of his clothes, so another shipment is going to our friend, who's scheduled to arrive in early December.
We headed to the pumpkim patch earlier today, but it was a bit too chilly to stay very long. Halloween is right around the corner and, of course, he will be celebrating this oh-so-fun holiday. Stay tuned for pictures!
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