There haven't been "official" rankings, but I'm sure my little guy is at the top of his class (seen here). He's younger, sure. He's smaller. And, okay, he doesn't crawl, walk or eat actual food. But, he's very clearly advanced. According to reports, he's "happy" and "attentive" nearly every day. We've also just received his first evaluation from daycare and it was glowing.
He's added rolling over (from belly to back) and squawking to his bag of tricks, and will "stand" when you hold him and is just beginning to arch his back and reach when he's about to be picked up. We're delighted with the occasional giggle and is also progressing in his social skills. As I understand it, is starting to put the moves on the girls in his class.
In addition to his evaluation, his teachers commented on his friendly demeanor. Turns out that he and one girl in particular (sitting on the lap of the teacher in the red shirt in the class photo) have been caught holding hands in class. Interestingly enough, she was also supposed to be a lobster for Halloween. (Turns out the costume was too hot and she cried. She ended up staying in her Pumpkin garb.) Lobsters are monogamous, so this could be a potentially long-term relationship. While a lobster will mate for life with another lobster, I'm still unclear as to whether a lobster will mate with a pumpkin.
Sam's still battling his cold (we're nearing the 2-month mark), but takes his medicine like a champ. The docs tell me that's normal, especially since he goes to daycare. Their advice: "Get used to it. It's going to be a long winter."
During his latest trip to the doctor, Sam tipped the scales at 14 pounds, 10 ounces. He continues to grow, but didn't even come close to the Thanksgiving turkey, which weighed in at 21 pounds (without stuffing).
He seems to have all of the classic teething symptoms, but we can't see any pearly whites poking through his gums just yet. Maybe he'll be more determined once we tell him about all of the yummy food that gets put out during the holiday season.
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