That's what Sam's been doing this week....looking at everything. He's been watching his mobile and all of the little animals dangling from his play mat. He's also spending more and more time awake during the day....which is great sometimes (like when we can watch him look around) and not-so-great sometimes (like when he's crying and crying for no apparent reason).
We've also seen a few smiles this week, which pretty much makes us turn to complete mush. (And, before you ask, no we're pretty sure it's not gas. He IS Adrian's son and he never smiles when he passes gas. Sometimes he laughs right afterwards, but never smiles during the actual act.)
His eyes are still a deep blue...which I think are so pretty. I mean, handsome. Whatever. Adrian's hoping they change to brown since he and I both have brown eyes. (You think this is a bad time to mention that the mailman has blue eyes?)
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