Thursday, August 24

Took it like a man

Today was Sam's one-month check-up and the doc says he's doing great. New stats include a weight of 9lbs. 6 oz. (up almost three pounds from his birth weight), a height of 22" (a one-inch gain) and head circumference of 15" (up from 13"). By the way, when do they stop measuring that? Guess I should find out what mine is.

The little man also got one vaccination...and took it like a man. He cried more when I had to take his onesie off. Which, in hindsight, doesn't make him seem so tough.

The doctor was happy with how everything is going and warned me that the next 6-8 weeks will be trying, as that's a typically fussy time for babies. Coincidentally, I read in one of my books today a suggestion that we may have to keep in mind. Earplugs. heh heh. Seems like a joke....but I promise it was in there!

He goes back in another month for his next check-up and will get four shots at that appointment. Better pack the Tylenol.

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